Tongue Scraper

Starting your day off with tongue scraping in addition to brushing your teeth BEFORE drinking or eating anything in the morning will help rid your tongue of the toxins that your body naturally detoxes while you’re sleeping so that you don’t reabsorb them back into your body.

In Ayurveda your tongue is connected to your internal organs. Tongue scraping primes organ function for the day by stimulating them.

Why Copper?

Studies have found that bacteria reduce by 80% on the surface with copper scraping.

Helps provide enzymes required for the healthy bacteria to thrive in the mouth and maintains the alkalinity of the tongue.

Copper ions have also been found to dissolve lymph congestion.

PRICE: $11.11

*will last indefinitely if you clean it regularly


Scrape first thing in the morning (before eating or drinking anything).

Scrape till all the white stuff is gone.

Then scrape 10 more times (this primes organ function for the day and aids in digestion).

Fountain of Youth Elixir

This is an elixir for long life and happiness.

It prevents aging and diseases.

Promotes medha (intelect), smrti (memory), dhana (wealth).

All of the herbs in here are classified as classified as rasayana (rejuvenative herb) that works to slow the effects of aging.

I created this tincture to be ‘EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN A BOTTLE.’ Not joking! Most of us are taking multiple supplements, vitamins, teas & that can be overwhelming... or we forget to take them all.
So to make mine & your life easier I created this!

Beneficial for the body, mind, and spirit. Offering support on both physical and subtle levels!






Bones, joints

Digestion & elimination

Energy, vitality, stamina

High in vitamins & minerals

Healthy aging, longevity, skin, hair

Healthy heart, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, thyroid, urinary tract, spleen, & GI tract

Hormone balance

Healthy Immune, Respiratory, & Reproductive system

Healthy metabolism, helps maintain a healthy weight, weight loss

Sustained strength, vitality, build muscle

Mental clarity, focus, memory

PRICE: $69 2oz

Bottle lasts a few months


'Black Gold'

"There is no curable disease in the universe which is not effectively cured by Shilajit"

- Master Charaka


Boosts energy, vitality, stamina

Mental clarity, memory

Promotes healthy aging, longevity, and a youthful glow

Enhances digestion and absorption - supports healthy absorption of nutrients and can even help magnify the potency of other herbs

Cleanses and detoxifies the body, purifies the blood

Detoxes your body from heavy metals & free radicals

Healthy Skin

Promotes healthy metabolism, helps maintain a healthy weight, weight loss

Muscle building

Revitalizes the immune system

Promotes the health of the lungs and respiratory tract

Supports the kidneys and urinary tract, kidney stones, UTI/difficulty urinating, bladder pain

Promotes healthy blood sugar levels, may help with diabetes

Promotes testosterone level

Sexual disorders (premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, decreased hardness, decreased mood, damaged sperms, low sperm count)

Strengthen reproductive system, tone reproductive organs, and revitalize libido

Strengthens the tissue of the skeletal system to support strong and healthy bones










Breaks down cholesterol deposits, plaques

Also known to be effective in reducing alcohol withdrawal

Why Shilajit?

Sanctified with powerful Adaptogenic & Aphrodisiac properties this 'Black Gold' is a wartime anti-aging remedy, useful in a disease situation, to heal and repair tissues very quickly, break open the closed channels, etc.

Imported from the Himalayan Mountains, filtered Ayurvedically with Triphala.

Rich in fulvic & humic acid, vitamins, enzymes, tocopherols, antioxidants & metabolites.

Shilajit is a resin formed over several years of decomposition and humification of plant matter and rock minerals.

It’s a Rasaushadhi (Herbomineral Supplement) or supplement of mineral origin that has remained a crucial component in Ayurveda healing.

Packed with beneficial minerals, including silica, iron, calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, sodium, and zinc.

Contains fulvic acid, humic acid, amino acids, and plant-based antioxidants.



$77 2oz

(The dose is 6-30 drops 1-3 times a day. So this bottle will last several months. Even a year depending on usage. This tincture is the most potent of the forms of Shilajit.)


10 grams $44

30 grams $111

(Resin is the 2nd most potent form. A dose is the size of a pea. So 10 grams would last about or month or more.)


10 grams $22

30 grams $55

(The powder is the least potent. The dose is 1 tsp. So 10 grams will last 10 days. This form is great to use for pets in small doses.)



- Cramps

- Gas/Bloating

- Inflammation

- Hemorrhoids

- Cleanses & detoxifies uterus

- Skin

- Constipation

- Diarrhea

- Nausea

- Good for strength and immunity


Regular: $17

*Will last a month if taken once a day

Large: $30

*Will last 2 monts if taken once a day

Pitta Tea


- Radiant Skin & Healthy Hair

- Cools body temperature down, hot flashes

- Tonic for liver, kidneys, digestive system

- IBS, diarrhea

- Indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers, fever

- Purifies and detoxes blood, herpes

- Vision, weight loss, detox

- Lower blood sugar & cholesterol

- Uplift the heart (physically and spiritually), balances BP,

- Soothes emotions: nervous, angry, sad

- Anti-allergenic

- Anti-inflammatory


Regular: $17

Large: $30


- 0.5-1 tbsp; with 1 cup hot water; 1-3 times a day

To make a large batch:

- take 1/4 - 1/2 cup of tea

  • - add to a big pot of boiling water

    - place lid and let steep for 24 hrs

    - strain and place in fridge

    (After doing this you will have a very concentrated mixture. So you can add 1/4 of tea to water bottle and fill the rest up with water.)

Digestion & Immunity Tea


- Supports digestive system

- Respiratory

- High in antioxidants

- Supports healthy gut-brain connection

- Gas/bloating

- Constipation

- Anti-inflammatory

- Supports the body’s ability to break down toxins & eliminate them


Regular: $17

*Will last a month if taken once a day

Large: $30

*Will last 2 monts if taken once a day

Respiratory & Immunity Tea


- Lungs

- Throat

- Circulation

- Breathing

- High in Vitamin C


Regular: $17

*Will last a month if taken once a day

Large: $30

*Will last 2 monts if taken once a day

Pain & Inflammation Tincture


- Reduces Inflammation & Pain

- Muscle pain

- Arthritis related pain

- Joint pain

- Reduces swelling

- Menstrual cramping

- Nerve pain, sciatica

- Gout

- Headaches

PRICE: $44 2oz

Bottle lasts a few months depending on usage

Sweet Dreams Tincture


*Supports the ability to fall asleep with ease

*Supports sound & restful sleep

*Non-groggy & non-habit forming

*Calms a restless mind

*Reduces stress and anxiety

*Relaxes an overactive or agitated nervous system

*Balances emotions

*Reduces insomnia

*Adrenal Tonic

*Helps aid in weaning off of a chemically based sleep aid

PRICE: $33 2oz

Bottle lasts a few months

Nasal Drops


- Respiratory/immune system

- Memory

- Migraines/headaches

- Insomnia

- Allergies

- Third eye

- Stress

- Mental fatigue

PRICE: $20 (if you use everyday - 1 bottle will last for a few months)


Ayurvedic Herbal Lehyam "Jam"


- Supports the respiratory and immune system

- Sustains blood circulatory system rejuvenation and heart health

- Promotes brain health critical to memory and cognition

- Helps maintain cell vitality and tissue health

- Nourishes the lymph and tissues that remove toxins from the body

- Promotes metabolism and healthy body weight

- Supports sensory structures important for coordination and movement, making you more active

- Supports reproductive health

- Promotes healthy skin’s natural glow

- Contribute to overall nutrition health, and well-being

PRICE: 11oz $45

*this jar will last for several months

*Not Vegan (honey & ghee)

Ghee is purified butter that acts as a catalyst & enables the absorption of the herbs to a cellular level.

Honey also acts as a catalyst & a carrier of herbs in the body where repair is needed.

888 Oil

Attract Abundance, Wealth, Success, Positive Vibrations, & Cleanse Aura

888 Oil was made under the light of the super blue full moon & activated with pranic breathe of life energy healing.

-It will enhance your manifestation power & open your energy field to receiving abundance.

-Helps you become a magnet for success.

-Amplifies your ability to manifest by filling your mind, body and spirit with the energy of your intention.

-Cleanses your aura to attract high vibrations.

-Rolling the 888 oil onto your body reminds you to stay positive and committed to your goals.

-Every time you wear it, it reminds yourself that you are a money magnet.

Affirmations to say out loud when using the oil:

-My wealth allows me to live a life of purpose, making a positive impact in the lives of those around me and the world.

-I am living a life of abundance, free from financial stress and worry, and the universe is conspiring in my favor, bringing me all the wealth and riches.

-I am a vessel for the universe to flow through, enriching myself and others.

-My financial success is inevitable, and I am grateful for the wealth that is coming my way.

-I release all negative associations with wealth, and embrace the abundance that is my birthright, and I claim it with gratitude and joy.

-I am aligned with the energy of abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life, everyday, in every way.

-Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied, creating a cycle of never-ending wealth.

Ingredients: Almond oil, Cinnamon sticks, fresh lavender & fresh rosemary from my garden, phrenite crystals, amethyst, florida water, rose water, frankincense, myrrh, lavender, lemongrass, ylang ylang, orange, nag champa, jasmine, peppermint, lemon, opium, cedar, camphor, patchouli and other proprietary blends of manifestation formulas for money, miracles, good luck, road opener.

Price: $33